What is a Physiotherapist? Physiotherapists have undergone university training (usually at least a Bachelors degree in Physiotherapy or the previous equivalent to this) and are experts in injury assessment, diagnosis, prevention and rehabilitation. They have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the human body and are well trained with hands on skills and exercise prescription to promote movement and function. Physiotherapists work with people of all ages and ability levels.
What do I need to bring to an appointment? Please bring (or send through ahead of time) any relevant ACC information, reports from other health professionals or imaging reports (x-ray, ultrasound, MRI etc.). It is also helpful to bring or wear comfortable and easy to move in clothing. If it is a lower limb injury, shorts would be most ideal, and for an upper limb injury a t-shirt is best.
How many visits will I need? This will vary depending on the problem and individual. After a thorough assessment, your Physiotherapist can discuss their treatment plan and expected timeline.
Do I have to be referred by a Doctor? No, Physiotherapists can assess and treat without a referral, and they can also lodge an ACC claim if required. Physiotherapists are also able to make referrals directly for some imaging (x-ray and ultrasound) and referrals to specialists when required.
What should I expect on my first appointment? Your initial appointment includes a thorough assessment including going through the history of your pain and gaining a good understanding of your symptoms and how it is affecting you. Then the Physiotherapist will go through various tests and measures with you to gain a more specific understanding of what's going on. They will then discuss their findings, diagnosis and treatment options with you and begin your treatment and create a rehabilitation plan for future appointments.
What should I expect at a Pelvic Health appointment? During a pelvic health assessment, we complete a thorough discussion about your pelvic health symptoms and how it is affecting your day to day life. This often includes discussing your bladder, bowel and sexual function along with details about your specific issue. An internal examination is the only way to physically assess your pelvic floor, and so usually this type of examination is also required. However, if this is something that you are uncomfortable doing for whatever reason, talk to your Physiotherapist and we can work around your needs.
How much does it cost? Our pricing depends on whether you have ACC coverage or not, and whether you need treatment for a musculoskeletal or pelvic health issue. Please click the relevant link below to check the pricing for your situation.